This is Jenn!

This is Jenn!

Jenn is a passionate about helping others live a healthy and confident life free from pain.

It’s because of her personal experience with having poor posture that she studied exercise science and became a certified personal trainer. Jenn experienced many physical injuries and setbacks in her collegiate athletic career. This left her feeling frustrated and discouraged because she felt that no matter what she did nothing worked.

She saw chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists, got acupuncture, cortisone shots, MRIs, X-RAYs… you name it!

And it wasn’t until she realized the root of her issues were because of having poor posture and a disconnect from her body that she then started to see a difference and finally feel relief.

Over the years her love for correcting posture and living pain free evolved. She wants to show others that they don’t have to live in pain and can live a healthy and active lifestyle with corrective exercise and establishing a solid foundation.

If you’re currently experiencing pain or recurring injuries and want to feel confident again, you’re in the right place!